Digital Stories
APICAT hosted a digital story training with Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities. The purpose is to give the opportunity to create stories that tell narratives on issues relating to tobacco presence, or any other health related issues that affect their communities.
The stories have been used to educate community policymakers. Coalition members have also used these personal stories as educational efforts for campaigns involving smoke-free campuses for schools and the importance surrounding related issues.
Guiding Good Choices
The Guiding Good Choices (GGC) is a best-practice, interactive prevention program for parents/guardians of children in grades 4 to 8 (ages 9-14). Participants learn specific strategies and skills to set clear family guidelines and strengthen family bonds. The goal is to reduce the risk of their children using drugs and to develop healthy behaviors and family involvement.
APICAT hosted a Training of Trainers workshop in July 2016 for 10 coalition partners and provided funds for the following organizations to implement the project:
International Community Health Services – Tongan community
Korean Community Service Center – Korean community
Loving Kindness Meditation Center – Vietnamese community
Samoan Nurses of Washington – Samoan community
E-Cigarettes: Finding the Truth among the Vapors
In partnership with the Prevention WINS Coalition & Washington Poison Center, APICAT hosted a Training of Trainers on September 2016. Thirteen participants learned to describe e-cigarette and marijuana paraphernalia, identify poisoning-related hazards, and utilize current research to articulate health risks. They are now certified to provide educational presentations to adults in their respective organizations and communities.
In collaboration with the Center for Multi-Cultural Health, and Verbena Health, APICAT organized the Photo Voice Project, a cross cultural youth initiative to examine tobacco industry targeting. African American, AANHPI, and LGBT youth participated in a Tobacco 101 and Photo Voice training and then used GPS mapping to show the visual comparisons in tobacco advertising prevalence in certain areas of the city and King County.
Presentation available for download.