COVID-19 information and resources

 In News


• Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)

• Washington State Department of Health – Novel Coronavirus Outbreak 2020 (COVID-19)

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

• King County COVID 19 response page

• The International Examiner has been publishing stories and weekly updates for the AAPI community about COVID-19.

The flu shot helps protect you and others from getting sick. Take extra care during COVID-19 to stay healthy. For information on how to get your flu shot, click here.


• Neighborhood House has a very comprehensive and updated list of services and resources available during the pandemic. They also have a hotline to call to help you learn more about available services at 206-923-6480.

• International Community Health services is offering free drive-thru COVID-19 testing.

• The Asian Smokers Quitline offers telephone counseling services in Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin), Korean, and Vietnamese languages. Each language has a direct call-in number. Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin) 1.800.838.8917, Korean 1.800.556.5564, Vietnamese 1.800.778.8440.
Information about the Washington Tobacco quitline (1.800.784.8669) can be found here.

• The Washington Department of Health’s Tobacco and Vapor Control website has information and resources for individuals, families, and partners in prevention.

• Parenting for Lifelong Health has a parenting resource amid COVID 19 pandemic (translated in 70 languages).

• Helping Link/Một Dấu Nối has been providing services through a bilingually staffed phone bank at 206-568-5160. The phone bank is also a way for the Vietnamese community to get help with in-language public health recommendations, unemployment resources, referrals to food and rental assistance, access to transportation and stable housing.

Bias/hate incident reporting

• Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council has an incident reporting center and forms translated in multiple languages which can be found online here.

• You can report incidents with the Seattle Office for Civil Rights online here.

• Seattle Police Department has information on how to report a hate crime here.

For more information, visit

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